New Video to promote Archetypal Images

Here’s a video of me at XCape Con in MI from 2008. In it I explain the vision behind Archetypal Images and why I’m inspired to make the comics I do. Incidentally, I went ahead and actually manifested a Youtube page to host it, so if you’re curious you can check that out via the social network links in the sidepanel.

So where are all the comics, you ask? Well, I’m currently busting my hump to get some new material out this spring, as well as reformatting everything I’ve done up to this point to make the presentation more streamlined and in the workflow of the rest of the site.

If you check out my last post you’ll see the pencils for one of the first few pages of my new project. And if you haven’t yet seen the Sponsorship Special comic, that’s my most professional publication to date.

Also, if you’re on Facebook and would really like to do me a huge favor, I’m participating in a contest to win a large grant to help me finance working on my projects full time—all it takes is getting your vote! Here’s the link to where you can do that:

Incidentally, you can vote once each day, so if you can spare a moment from now until March 15th you’d really be doing me a huge favor!


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One Reply to “New Video to promote Archetypal Images”

  1. Hey facebook folks–there really is a video if you follow the link–for some reason videos i post on my website aren’t ‘appearing’ here as they normally would.

Jump on in--I'd love to hear what you think!